Dearest Prime Minister of our beloved country...

Dearest Prime Minister of our beloved country,
I am proud of my country and hope you are too. You are a great person at heart and so you shall remain always. You love those who are yours. Do not misunderstand me. You have achieved a great deal and so will. But I have questions regarding a few achievements, you have aquired recently.

You have promised vikas, development and so I wish it would have been. You promised an India of 5 trillion economy. Yet our country's GDP rate is decreasing. You promised of saving girl child, yet girls feel unsafe in our country, for they know what shall happen to them, as has happened to other girls too. I shall not in any way, accuse you, nor am I doing so. I am just stating some facts. As you should have read the Constitution of India, it is mentioned that our country is secular, by which I mean, unity in diversity. I do not see so in a recent decision you have taken, and you certainly know that I am talking about The Citizenship Amendment Act. Now, forget about all the protests and chaos in our country, let's talk about something else. Yes, esteemed Donald Trump is visiting this secular country of ours for two days. And for that, upto 5 crores have you spent on hiding poverty of the slums of Ahemdabad, Gujarat. I ask you, Dearest Prime Minister of our beloved country, shouldn't you be spending the country's revenue on upgrading the quality of the same slum, if not giving employment to youths? Not everything is your fault, you agree, I may think. 500 cusecs, that is 14158.4 litres of water has been released into Yamuna so that pollution can be controlled. I indeed agree that the people should have paid more attention to your Swachh Bharat Campaign, rather than polluting the river. But you are just trying to hide the pollution temporarily. Why? Because of Donald Trump's two-day visit to India? Building a wall for hiding poverty and now releasing water to hide pollution? Why? Why such temporary fixes, Dearest Prime Minister of our beloved country! I ask you, why? In this case, I hope Trump visits India more often and he visits each and every corner of India so that new changes keep happening! Instead of trying to find permanent solutions, you just choose to hide the problems of poverty and pollution on a temporary basis. This clearly shows how much development, how much vikas, that you have promised us, is really turning into reality.
I just hope for wiser and better decisions to be taken by you in the future. Keep inspiring!
Lots and lots of love and hope,
Chand Shaikh, 11.

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