"God saved us!" the uproar was heard.

Everyone rejoiced. They had smiles on thier half burnt faces. "It's raining! God saved us!" was heard over the ash laden forest.
He hadn't slept well the previous night, or the nights before either - to be honest. He knew something was going on. He had sensed it in his family members, his friends. He had not known what it was but he surely knew it was something bad. And it certainly is something bad when there is a lot of "air in the air" as they call it, and if the trees are topped with red-yellow horrible hot leaves- flames that is- instead of green cool leaves. It's bad when everyone is running around for shelter, for protection, for coolness amid the burning fire. It's bad when at night no one can sleep. It's bad when no one gets food to eat each day. When he sees his closest animals dying. One moment they're there and the other they're not. They've burnt. It's sad as well.
The young koala had half of his body burnt, his two eyes were completely blinded, his paws-they felt numb, scalds and burns covered the unburnt parts of his body. His mother had been burnt right in front of his eyes. His father was so injured that he couldn't move an inch from the tree he was clinging to. His siblings were lost. He had seen worse.
But now he smelt hope. It clung in the atmosphere. He smelt the beautiful moist smell of rain. He smelt the dew and felt the gorgeous view. The ray of hope- or better, the drops of hope had arrived. 
God has saved them. It has started raining.
It is because of us, humans that global warming is occurring. And it's because of the global warming and other humans stuff that there have been firey forests all over the world. And IT- the forest fires- is causing global warming in return too. Climate change is occurring due to it. Glaciers in the North and the South are melting because of climate change. Every 75 minutes, a chunk of glacier melts and it's enough to make a city go underwater! Imagine that!
Those are far away from us!
But, beware Mumbaikars! Scientists believe Mumbai will become underwater by 2050 and that isn't far away, is it? We don't have time to rest! It's time to protest! To take action!

A quick fact: Grass is literally visible on Mount Everest now! That's making me so guilty. Because it's us that's doing everything and these things are happening.
Let's become aware of these things and take action! Now, this very moment!

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